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Everyone loves strawberries. Their sweet fragrance, delightful flavour, and beautiful red colour make them irresistible. Growing your own strawberries is fun, but it's not always easy. Because although they look and taste wonderful, they can be very fragile. Too little water? The berries won't grow. Pot rim too narrow? The runners will break off. Fruit left on the ground for too long? Rotten strawberries or no strawberries at all (because the snails beat you to them). Luckily, there's an easy way to avoid these problems: the elho green basics strawberry pot. This plastic strawberry cultivation pot is made from top-quality materials, so you can use it season after season. You can be sure that this pot has been made with love for nature, it is made from 100% recycled materials, is 100% recyclable and is produced wind energy.