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Our Mission - The Vegan Network – The First in a County Council...

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The Vegan Network – the first in a county council:

Our Mission

To promote veganism in a positive and inclusive way which empowers people to be able to make informed choices about their lifestyle.

Our Vision

A working environment where veganism is recognised and has a positive impact on the well-being of staff, the welfare of animals and the environment.

Our Values

·        Championing equality, inclusion and diversity 

·        Demonstrate compassion and respect for all living beings 

·        Support environmental sustainability wherever possible 

·        Non violence and equality for all living beings 

·        Act fairly and challenge unfair and discriminatory behaviour 

·        Promote empowerment 

·        Be visible and raise awareness 

·        Be supportive and network in a professional capacity 

·        Be innovative, experimental and creative  

·        Professional and proactive  

Our Objectives

·        Promote opportunities to learn about vegan beliefs and make it accessible to all staff 

·        Linking with other networks both inside SCC and externally to increase our impact 

·        Make relevant information and resources easily accessible 

·        Support, inform and influence corporate priorities and decision making where the topics affect our members  

·        Promote the network across the county through use of Champions  

·        Be a consultancy for people related policy changes and sit on the Equalities Board 

·        Provide peer support amongst members 

·        Continually grow and evolve the network

·        Support people to make positive lifestyle choices  

·        Make veganism more widely accepted and recognised in the professional arena 

·        Improve people’s understanding of veganism as a belief 

·        Improve things within the organisation and community for the members of the network 


Editors notes

About Sadie Jade:

Sadie Jade is the vibrant, passionate author behind The Vegan Lifestyle Journal. A dedicated animal rights advocate and promoter of ethical living, Sadie has inspired countless individuals to make compassionate choices and live their best vegan lives through her writing and public speaking.

Connect with Sadie Jade:


Instagram: @imsadiejade/


The Humane League says;

"This is everything you need to start your compassionate lifestyle journey - and most importantly, stick to it. We loved Sadie's approach to making life changes that make a big impact on animals, people, and the planet. If you're looking to go vegan but don't know where to start, start here!"

Animal Aid says;

"A comprehensive and constructive guide for all those who are thinking of going vegan. Step-by-step support for progress, rather than perfection."

Sadie Jade

Sadie Jade

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Sadie’s sensational book, The Vegan Lifestyle Journal, is here to guide you through every step of your exciting vegan adventure. However this jam-packed journal is more than just a book… it's your per...

Credit: Holly Usher Photography