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Pedal With Purpose: Lark Rise Bike Ride to Raise Crucial Funds for brainstrust “Brain Boxes” and support Brain Tumour Patients

Read Time: 3 mins


The Lark Rise Bike Ride returns on Sunday 9th June, blending community spirit with charity fundraising. Starting at Swallows Nursery in Mixbury, this family-friendly cycling event is designed for all ages and skill levels. The fundraiser promises a memorable day out while raising crucial funds for brainstrust, a UK charity dedicated to improving the lives of brain tumour patients and their families.  

The event aims to raise essential funds for brainstrust’s “brain boxes”- crucial resources for brain tumour patients. These brain boxes provide vital information and support tools to help patients navigate their diagnosis and treatment journey. Additionally, funds raised support one-on-one coaching and other critical services offered by brainstrust. 

Inspired by the historic landscapes of Flora Thompson’s “Lark Rise to Candleford”, the event offers three routes tailored to different abilities: Short route: ideal for families with young children. Medium route: a fun challenge for older children and casual cyclists. Long route: suitable for fitter riders, including a passage through the edge of the Silverstone racetrack and the dramatic landscape of the Stowe Estate. The routes have been adjusted over time so that all those with a bike (ideally mountain or hybrid) can choose a ride that will be a suitable challenge for their abilities.  

Chris Swallow, co-organiser of the Lark Rise Bike Ride, shares the heartfelt origins of the event. “After completing a road-based charity ride, with my son, I realised how much safer a ride might be for families if all faster roads could be avoided. Together, with the help of my friend Ian Hicks, a keen rider and sadly passed on now, we devised a circular route which follows tracks and quiet lanes through much loved local fields and estates. Initially we supported Action Research, then after a few years an article on the fantastic work of brainstrust caught my eye, and on contacting the charity, we seemed to have an immediate rapport. It's a great day out, with drink stops on the way, and hot food on offer back at the nursery”.  

Will Jones, CEO of brainstrust, adds, “The dedication of the Lark Rise team and the local community is truly inspiring. The funds raised through this event have provided countless hours of coaching and hundreds of brain boxes, directly benefiting brain tumour patients. We look forward to each event and extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone involved.” 

The Lark Rise Bike Ride is more than just a cycling event – it's a celebration of community, family, and giving back. By participating, riders not only enjoy a beautiful journey through historic landscapes but also contribute to a cause that provides support to those battling brain tumours. 

For more information on the Lark Rise Bike Ride and to register visit Lark Rise Bike Ride 2024 - Brainstrust, brain tumour charity. Together we can help to make a real difference in the lives of brain tumour patients and their families.  


Editors notes

The statistics on brain tumours: 

  • More than 80,000 people in the UK are living with a brain tumour diagnosis. 
  • 40% of all cancers spread to the brain. 
  • It is the most common form of cancer in people under 40. 

About brainstrust: 

brainstrust is a UK-based charity dedicated to providing essential support and information to brain tumour patients and their families. With a mission to improve the quality of life for those affected by brain tumours, brainstrust offers a range of services, including emotional support, practical advice and access to expert guidance. By fostering a sense of community and raising awareness, brainstrust strives to make a positive impact on the lives of individuals facing the challenges of brain tumours. 

AVAILABLE for comment: Will Jones from brainstrust and co-organiser of the bike ride Chris Swallow are available to comment.

For all media enquiries and more information, please contact: 

Daisy Fieldhouse 


Nifty Communications 

01905 27126 

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