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Outdoor gear should be put through its paces. That’s the message behind a new campaign from Berghaus, the outdoor clothing brand, as it raises awareness of its free repairs service - something it has offered since the company was founded, nearly 60 years ago.
‘Repairhaus: Free repairs for hardworking gear’ launched on August 18 across the Berghaus social channels, online and in-store, and celebrates the durability of its outdoor clothing, the people behind the repair service, and the sustainable credentials of repairing rather than replacing.
Film and stills were shot on location at the Berghaus workshop in Sunderland and focus on the rugged, handmade resilience of clothing which can weather an adventure, sustain damage, and get fixed again. Close attention is given to the craft and expertise that goes into each repair, and to the people behind the process.
Berghaus brand manager, Katie McNamara, said: “Since our beginnings in the 1960s we’ve built kit that lasts and offered to repair it, for free, if ever needed. We’re proud to be extending the life of our gear and keeping much-loved Berghaus kit out there, in action. By spotlighting Repairhaus we want to make it as easy as possible for people to consider repairing over replacing.”
Not only is Repairhaus a cost-effective solution for consumers, but extending a product’s life is one way of reducing environmental impact – Berghaus internal data shows that, on average, repairing rather than buying a new like-for-like product generates 50% less kg of CO2 emissions.
Berghaus worked with creative agency Stereo, which conceived the new tagline and developed a multi-disciplinary campaign built upon Berghaus’ northern heritage. The visual and audio assets, which include a logo, colour palette, imagery and motion, are led by a 30-second hero film which underlines the resilience of Berghaus products, and champions the benefits of repair and reuse.
“The day you showed the forecast the finger, patched up proper. The all-nighter you’ll never live down, sewn back stronger. Mother Nature might do her worst, but let’s give her back our best. Replace? No - repair. Dead easy. More life to your gear, and to the outdoors. Repairhaus: Free repairs for hardworking gear.”
Stereo design director, Gavin Day, said: “Stereo decided to create a tone that was full of ‘northern wit’, that was down-to-earth, a little gritty and full of attitude. We wanted to celebrate the idea that outdoor gear should be put through its paces. So this piece really ‘shows the forecast the finger’ and says no matter what you do to your Berghaus gear, Repairhaus will do their best to patch it up. It’s a joyous, muddy, triumphant anthem to resilience.
“The visuals lovingly focus on the small details of the repairs process - the dockets, mark-makers, stamps and textural ephemera from areas of the Berghaus workshop. Each element works in a free-form layout feeling rugged and handmade, with stills and motion all highlighting the craft, attention and expertise that goes into every custom repair.”
Berghaus’ Repairhaus team will try to repair any damaged clothing, footwear, pack, or accessory that is returned to it, however worn or weathered. If the kit has come to the end of its useful life, the customer is offered a replacement for items still under guarantee. Everything else is upcycled with the customer offered a 30% discount on a new product.
‘Repairhaus: Free repairs for hardworking gear’ is live now with a dedicated page on the Berghaus website and an accompanying digital campaign. It also features on swing tags, banners and window displays in-stores.
Credits list
Arthur Perez, Strategy Director
Leah Ogilvie, Senior Account Director
Naomi Hutchinson, Senior Project Manager
Gavin Day, Design Director
James Wilsher, Senior Designer
Sophie Everett, Head of Copy
Andy Mulvaney, Senior Copywriter
Matt Fryer, Head of Motion
Danny Midwinter, Senior Motion Designer
Kirsty Deacon, Motion Designer
Joe Ransom - DoP
Alexander Kent - Photographer
Katie McNamara - Brand Manager
Dan Cunningham - Global Head of Brand
Charles Pym - Global Brand Director
Stereo is a full-service agency dedicated to amplifying brands through genuine and long-lasting emotional connections, delivered through: campaign, motion and film, brand development and digital experience.
Stereo was founded in 2007 by Andy Duff, Steve Bell and Matthew Simpson. The 50-plus-strong team now delivers branding, strategy, visual identity, motion, digital, mobile, art direction, content, film and animation, advertising and social creative for clients including the BBC, Nike, Virgin Atlantic, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify, Converse and Worldpay FIS.