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Mummy Fever


About my blog

Mummy Fever is a parenting, lifestyle and family travel blog.

It aims to be lighthearted yet useful to readers. Our moto at Mummy Fever is “embrace the chaos” ! Children aren’t children for long and I don’t want to miss a second!

Charlotte Pearson


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almost 1 minute

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About me

I am a mum of four (a girl and three boys), aged 14, 12, 7 and 6. My background before my blog was in strategic planning in the health and social care sector, specialising in the development of services for children and families.

I survive on green tea and dark chocolate and when the children are asleep I swing kettle bells and flip tyres around for fun.

I run a marathon every year, this year will be my 21st. I love skiing and adventures with my tribe. We love to travel as a family and and do things 'outside the box'.

I love to cook healthy meals from scratch and I am gluten free.

We are currently renovating a farm house.

Location:   Flintshire



+44 7762 798008

Visit my social media sites:


With product reviews I don't just write the bog standard, I tried this, it was good because, or it was rubbish. I write an article on a theme, including the 'review' in the writing to show how it works in real life. My readers find this much more interesting and it is much more natural. I am honest and engaging in the way I discuss products with my audience. Twitter chats are lots of fun and a great way to engage with a range of people.

Posts from:   £80.00
Advertising from:   £30.00


  • Blog editorials
  • Instagram product reviews
  • Instagram video reviews

Brand support

  • Facebook shout-outs
  • Instagram stories
  • Promotions
  • Twitter chats

Brands I've worked with







“Charlotte at Mummy Fever has been an amazing Crystal Ski Holidays ambassador. She produced loads of high quality content that represents the values of our brand, and is really useful and engaging for other mums and dads. Her social media presence is some of the strongest in the parenting community and is extremely effective at engaging people. It was our absolute pleasure to work with MummyFever and we look forward to working together again on future campaigns.”