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The First Cut: When and How to Mow Your Lawn After Winter

As winter fades and the first signs of spring appear, homeowners begin turning their attention to their lawns. A key question at this time of year is: when is the right time for the first mow of the season? Timing it correctly can promote healthy growth, but getting it wrong can lead to soil…

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Cobra’s Battery-Powered Range: A Greener Solution for Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event that unites millions of people to help safeguard the planet and fight for a brighter future. This year on 22nd April, Earth Day is campaigning for ‘Our Power, Our Planet’ to raise awareness of harnessing renewable energy to build a healthy and sustainable future.

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7 Top Tips to Get Your Lawn Ready for Spring

Peter Chaloner, Managing Director of Cobra lawnmowers shares expert advice on preparing your lawn for a lush and healthy spring season. Winter conditions, including frost, snow, and heavy rainfall, can take a toll on grass, making early spring care essential for rejuvenation. Follow these top tips…

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Cobra’s Ride-On Tractors: Versatile tools for gardening tasks all year round!

Ride-on tractors are often simply associated with task of mowing the lawn throughout spring and summer. However, these machines are far more versatile as they can serve a variety of purposes throughout the year when equipped with the right attachments. From hauling heavy materials, mowing in the…

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Revolutionise your lawncare and achieve the ultimate mowing experience with Cobra's ride-on mowers!

For some, maintaining a large lawn can be a time-consuming and inconvenient task, especially without the right equipment. While ride-on lawnmowers have become increasingly popular, they usually come with a high price tag that not everyone can justify. That's where Cobra comes in, with its range of…

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Revolutionise your lawncare routine with Cobra’s new Fortis Cylinder Mower powered by EGO’s exceptional batteries!

The autumn and winter months have likely left lawns waterlogged, looking wilted and covered with brown, bare patches of turf. Cobra, a leading name in garden machinery, has joined forces with EGO Power+ to unveil the game-changing Fortis Cylinder Mower powered by EGO to help whip lawns into shape…

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Gear up for Spring! Cobra’s three essential tools to transform your lawn

With the days getting longer and the sun beginning to seep through the clouds, it’s a sure sign that spring is on its way. Late winter or early spring marks the ideal time to dust off the lawnmower and gardening tools and give outdoor spaces a tidy-up in preparation for the new season ahead. To…

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Lawncare experts share why you actually need a lawn mower to create and maintain a beautiful wildflower meadow for No Mow May

The No Mow May initiative aims to promote the importance of increasing biodiversity in outdoor spaces across the UK by embracing wildflowers. It encourages homeowners to let their lawns grow wild during May, creating a habitat for wildflowers and fostering a more sustainable and biodiverse…

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Get professional-standard lawns, with battery power!

Leading garden machinery brand, Cobra, has launched a one-of-a-kind collaboration with creators of battery-powered outdoor equipment, EGO Power+. With a focus on innovation, the companies have joined forces to create a unique offering for lawn-lovers in the form of the new ‘Fortis powered by…

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Essential tools to make winter garden maintenance safe, efficient and productive

Winter can be a daunting season for gardeners, with the freezing temperatures and the added burden of snow and ice making the thought of going outdoors less appealing. Preparing the garden for the cold months ahead requires effort and planning, especially when there are trees or large bushes to…

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Why and how you should tackle the seemingly unimportant task of clearing autumn leaves

As the season changes and trees begin to drop their leaves, gardens will transform into a stunning blend of auburn and amber hues, and lawns will slowly be covered by fallen leaves. Although the continuous task of clearing leaves can feel mundane, neglecting this seemingly unimportant task can…

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6 common mowing mistakes to avoid this autumn!

Amidst the falling amber leaves, darker evenings, and crisp air, many people tend to overlook the importance of maintaining lawncare practices throughout autumn and are unaware of the excess stress this is causing their precious lawns. As the hot summer season fades away, autumn is a crucial time to…

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The ultimate summer survival guide for maintaining a healthy and nourished lawn

With global temperatures rising, this year is predicted to have the hottest summer yet leaving many worried for the state of their precious lawns and gardens. UK lawns are used to cool and wet weather, so the drastic change in climate and temperatures during summer months can leave them stressed and…

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Cobra’s Lightweight, Cordless Range – The Essential Tools for Every Novice Gardener

Summer has finally arrived so it’s the perfect time for novice gardeners to take the first steps of their gardening journey. Gardening offers the optimal opportunity to reconnect with nature, escape the pressures of everyday life and even have a good workout!   However, finding the right tools…

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Saying so long to a wet summer – and goodbye to artificial turf

With reports saying that the UK saw 170 per cent more rainfall in July than the usual amount, and some parts of the country experiencing their wettest summer ever – it’s time to look at small choices we make which can impact climate change.   One way that experts have suggested we can all play…

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Not sure about robotic mowers? Here are five reasons why you need one!

A picture-perfect lawn is hard to maintain, especially during the summer months. Strict mowing regimes can sometimes leave people wishing there was someone or something to help, or even do it for them, especially when dealing with a larger garden. This is where robotic mowers, such as the Cobra…

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Eight in one with the new Fortis mower

The new Fortis range of cylinder lawnmowers from Cobra delivers advanced lawn mower technology to bring a convenient lawncare solution with incredible cutting precision.   The range combines eight machines in one to give the ultimate package for creating picture perfect lawns, and are the first…

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New ride-on tractors designed to meet the needs of UK gardens, and gardeners

Cobra launches new ride-on mowers delivering comfort, cutting and convenience without the price tag.   Key product features ·       Cutting widths ranging from 24” to 42” ·       Powered by Loncin petrol engines ·       Two compact rider models and six tractors…

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